OUR SERVICESAt Business Seals, we provide a one stop shop to solve all your business needs. We equip aspiring entrepreneurs – youth and adults alike – with the tools they need to identify and take advantage of viable business opportunities and successfully navigate the market. Our targeted technical assistance to local enterprises helps them increase their competitiveness and develop market linkages with other value chain actors. Business Seals also harnesses demand-driven knowledge and promote the application of learning for better program design, implementation, and evaluation.
Start-up Support Start Your Business Today Starting a business is difficult and filled with obstacles and pitfalls. It’s not easy, and most businesses fail within the first year. We don’t say that to scare you, but we say it to help you understand it’s important to learn from others mistakes and be prepared with the best strategies and tools possible. At Business Seals we help you get up the learning curve quick and know what you need to do to be successful. Whether it’s knowing what paperwork is needed to start a business or formulating and refining the best strategy for success, we’re here to help you get started on the right path without all the growing pains typical start-ups have. Start-up services we offer:
Strategic Planning & Partnership Formulate The Best Plan For Your Success The key to growing and expanding in business comes down to two major components. First, creating the right strategy, and second, building a strong network. Too often, entrepreneurs try to do it alone and they ignore critical partnerships and networking opportunities that are imperative for their success. At Business Seals we help businesses refine their strategies and design a business plan that will work in their current environment. We’ll help you partner with the right people and use the tools and resources available to maximize your success! Strategic Planning & Partnership services we offer:
Project Management Manage Your Project To Success The ability to successfully manage a project through to the desired completion is an art and a science; however, most entrepreneurs and business owners are lacking in the skill of project management. As a business owner or leader in your company, there are multiple balls in the air, and the juggling act can come crashing down if you’re unorganized, untrained and uninformed on proper project management. At Business Seals we help companies and business owners properly plan and execute projects. The key to entrepreneurial success is continuously completing project after project as you work toward your larger goals. We’re here to help you do this! Project Management services we offer:
Program Design & Implementation Grow Your Business! Once entrepreneurs get through the start-up stage, they often find themselves “stalling out” or plateauing in their sales. They’ve successfully started the business, but they aren’t sure where to go from there. This is where we step in and help you evaluate where you can improve and make the changes to kickstart growth and expansion. At Business Seals we help you take your business from wherever you are now, to where you want to be. We’ll help you research ways to improve, implement new strategies for growth and continuously identify opportunities for expansion Program Design & Implementation services we offer: